Living our values in all that we do

It all starts with people.

People are what makes a community thrive. Beginning with our recruiting process all the way through to our team structure 和 management philosophy, we thoughtfully build experiences for employees 和 partners that allow us to strive for 卓越 和 achieve our best. 最重要的是, we nurture an environment of 善良, 诚实, 增长 in every interaction.

People working in a conference room

Accessibility 和 inclusion guide our team 和 our work.

本着 continuous improvement服务他人, we stay up to date on product inclusivity best practices 和 accessibility in design 和 technology leadership. 在我们团队中, we take active steps to educate ourselves, affect change in our working culture, promote collaborative practices through our diversity, 股本, 包容组.

People working in a conference room

We’re most successful when we collaborate.

团队合作 leads to better outcomes. We believe in sharing knowledge in every direction—hosting internal Discipline Interest Groups (DIGs), Lunch ' n '学会了, company work shares in order to continuously improve 和 learn from each other. We share knowledge with our partners through design 培训 和 workshops, we work shoulder to shoulder with teams 和 leaders to solve tough challenges.

People talking 和 reviewing a poster

We give generously to our industry 和 community.

Many of us are passionate speakers, mentors, volunteers in our field 及以后. 我们努力 乐于助人 inside 和 outside of our walls—organizing projects, 培训, 事件, opportunities to contribute to something larger. 我们练习 卓越 by sharing 和 evolving our talents.

A group of people casually chatting in an office setting


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